A Program for and About Women with Breast Cancer
The anxiety, fear and apprehension each woman faces when confronted with a breast lump is well documented. In order to successfully cope with the trauma of this life-threatening disease, many women need to turn to other women who have undergone surgery and follow-up treatment for breast cancer.
There are several different treatments for breast cancer, and women need information about their choices so they can make decisions that are best for them. Women also need to learn skills for coping successfully with the emotional trauma of their illness. Women are faced with the shocking news of cancer, lumpectomy or mastectomy and sometimes dreaded chemotherapy or radiation treatments without any support other than that provided by their bewildered, frightened families. We have helped hundreds of women live with their diagnosis. There is strong evidence that women who have taken advantage of support groups have a longer survival rate and are able to withstand treatment with less disruption to their daily lives. Most of all, hope is given to those who live in fear of cancer by letting them know that there are others who are leading active, fulfilling lives despite their illness.
Wabash Valley Breast Cancer Survivors, Inc.
Our local support group started in June, 1992 at the YWCA. The Wabash Valley Breast Cancer Survivors was formerly called Y-Me of the Wabash Valley and was an affiliate of the national Y-ME in Chicago. In 1992, it was the only national support organization for breast cancer in the United States. The national group was started in a YWCA in Chicago.
We later became an affiliate of the local YWCA and had the name Wabash Valley Breast Cancer Survivors. When the YWCA started faltering, we incorporated on our own and became the Wabash Valley Breast Cancer Survivors, Inc.