How to Protect Your Hand and Arm after Breast Surgery
- Avoid breaking your skin and providing access to germs.
- Treat infections vigorously.
- Protect the arm and hand by wearing gloves when engaged in an activity, including housework and gardening that can result in minor injuries.
- Use a thimble while sewing.
- Keep cuticles soft with hand lotions, and push back; do not cut cuticles.
- Avoid razors that can nick the skin (electric are much better than safety razors).
- Keep the skin meticulously clean with soap and dry well.
- Use low ph, lanolin based lotions.
- Do not allow the hand to become chapped, dry, or cracked.
- Wear a rubber glove if your hand will be in water for a prolonged period of time.
- Be careful to avoid burns when cooking or smoking.
- Wear sunscreen or protective clothing to prevent sunburn on the affected arm.
- Apply insect repellent if you are outside, and avoid pet scratches.
- Avoid carrying heavy objects, including over-the-shoulder purses and grocery bags.
- Avoid moving heavy objects and furniture or doing other activities that require excessive force or strain on the arm.
- Avoid wearing tight watchbands, elastic sleeves, etc., and tight bra straps on the shoulder.
- Avoid vigorous, repetitive movements, including some sports. After about three miles of walking, the arm may start to swell because of the swinging and hanging down of the arm.
- Avoid extreme temperatures in bathing, including saunas, hot tubs, and Turkish baths, or weather.
- DO NOT permit IVs, INJECTIONS, BLOOD SAMPLES, VACCINATIONS, or BLOOD PRESSURES to be taken on the affected arm.
- Use a high-water, low-salt diet (8 or more glasses of water or juice a day).
- Do not use underarm deodorant under the affected arm if you have had lymph nodes removed until several months afterward.
- Wear a compression sleeve or bandage wrap when traveling by plane if you have lymphedema.
(Suggestions from doctors, patients, and literature)